Macalister Mansion Living Room

Along Macalister Road, few blocks across Loh Guan Lye hospital,
you will see this all white mansion.
Macalister Mansion is a restored colonial mansion built in early 1990s.
The name Macalister Mansion, honours Sir Norman Macalister,
one of the first British Governors of Penang. Read more on their website.
It was a Saturday afternoon and Colleen was in Penang!
She mentioned she wanted to come here, so we dropped by to give their afternoon tea a try.
Absolutely love the white and simple interior design, especially the hanging plants!
There's a cute drawn fire place that I really like, read more about the art design hereThey are selling TWG tea here too, don't have to go all the way to KL no more!
Afternoon Tea for 2[RM64++], available 1 - 6P.M.
Cakes, pastries and 2 pots of TWG tea with an extensive selection.
Colleen asked if we should really say SAKURA! SAKURA! TEA! when we are ordering that lol
You can also change your tea to coffee(latte, cappucino, etc),
which is good news to me but I decided to go for tea instead.
Shiny shiny silver pot! Unlike the one at TWG Pavilion, covered with scratches.
Posted this on Instagram with the caption
'Help! I'm trapped in the tea pot!'
Like the way the pot created a fish-eye effect of the pretty interior.
Croissant is super crunchy, bacon pie is great especially the crust. Both of us gasp with enlarged pupils!
The rest was okay, brownies was slightly hard.
Butter with lemongrass, cempedak and cranberry jam to go along with the croissant.
Thumbs up for the cempedak jam with strong fragrant!
Disappointed with their apple crumble. Filling was too dry and pastry was too hard.
This is what happened after I cut them into half, filling doesn't stick with the pastry.
Done with the food, here comes the narcissistic part!
How was my attempt to be a tai-tai this time?
Forgot to raise my pinky again!
In their gorgeous white and green garden.
No idea where did I get that super model confidence; Deep thoughts under the tree; On the plastic couch
Last but not least,
I got his nose!
Check out my second visit here.
Revamped afternoon tea and European bread launch!

Macalister Mansion Living Room
Opens daily 8 - 12A.M.
228 Macalister Road 10400 George Town Penang


  1. recently very high productivity hior~

    1. You're so fast to read! Nothing to do at home ma, and pending posts are piling up :'( I'll see you at Goh Kaki this Saturday? :)

    2. Ngam Ngam I open my blog and saw your latest post appear at my blog ma...
      Nop, you'll not see me as I have to fetch my best friends to airport, might not able to go there so I just reject the invitation.
      I saw you and Joling photo appear at Gartien advertisement in a magazine call "Penang on the Alternative" which I grab it at Penang Airport, haha....

    3. Oh no wonder :D Cheh Joseph told me you and Trista will be there.. Huh not In Penang magazine? Our photo appears in more than one publication?

    4. I inform Criz on 3-Aug I cant attend and inform Joseph on 6-Aug, but that time Joseph did not know, seems Criz did not told him...
      Wherever have Gartien advertisement, should be can saw you and Joling photo la, can get some commission from Gartien d, nyek nyek...

    5. Oh ok, blame is on Criz then :P Sei lo, I don't even like that picture D:


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