Silly Epiphany #1

Was talking to Gavin, the GM of Hotel Jen at a media party the other night.
He asked what do I do besides writing for NST.
I mentioned about my blog, and he asked what kind of 'silly epiphanies' do I write about.
I sighed, and said I hardly write about any epiphanies anymore as my blog is conquered by food reviews.
And it got me thinking.

I started this blog 4 years back, when I was determined to take blogging seriously.
I never expected to receive this many food reviews I have been getting along the years
which pretty much occupied my time, and tummy.
Of course I'm grateful, but it has been keeping me so busy that I have deviated from my initial purpose -
to write about anything that pops into my mind.

I have ideas, normally ridiculous and stupid flying across my mind, especially when I'm in the shower and driving.
Apart from being occupied by all those food reviews, I don't write those thoughts down cause I was worried that nobody wants to read it.
And if somebody does read it, I was worried that they would judge me.
Sometimes when I scroll thru my blog, I get a little upset cause it doesn't really resonate who I am anymore.

So I have decided to write posts with the title 'Silly Epiphany', where I document thoughts that came up for me.
Hopefully there is one or two kind souls who would appreciate them.
For laugh, for entertainment, or just to kill time.
If you come across something that you agree on or you had the same thought as I did, we can be best friends!

So yea, the 'silly epiphanies' will be things that happened or thoughts that are silly, random, ridiculous, might not makes sense, and most probably useless. Hopefully nothing sexual or vulgar. But I can't promise that.

Here goes the very first episode:
  1. I was eating Mr Benedict at Secawan(again, the best eggs benedict in Penang!), the bacon was so good that I told my friend I want to start a religion and make bacon the God so every like-minded people can worship bacon.

  2. People will read your stuff (and believe everything you say) when you include 'Jack Ma says 'or '马云说' in the title.

  3. I sneeze continuously whenever I read newspaper, and would eventually get sick and the rest of the day is pretty ruined. Ironically, I work in a newspaper company.

  4. Was telling a friend that I agitated a guy as I misled him for thinking I was interested in him, by being friendly. So he suggested me to stop being friendly with guys I'm not into. Thing is, I'm friendly to everyone.
    He concluded that I friendzone every guys I meet, and that's horrible.
    So if I'm friendly, I friendzone everybody. If I'm not friendly, they call me lansi (arrogant).
    Life is hard, isn't it? I can never win.

  5. I love 'indulging' in really sad songs. Currently in love with 'One Day' by Kodaline and still cry sometimes when I listen to 'All I Want'. Okay 'One Day' is actually not very sad, but it reminded me of myself always wanting to see myself thru the eyes of someone else. Okay that's pretty sad.
p/s: That's Gavin checking out my dainty namecard,
and me laughing hysterically at the smallest thing.
I should probably thank him for motivating/inspiring
me to come up with this post. Thanks Gavin!


  1. Very true....after some years, I even don't know why my blog become very 死板 i try to be more like myself and try to be using "natural word" instead of bundle of describe...
    Anyhow....cheers...try to be yourself, even a food review.

    1. You write about travel what, that's very interesting! And also spa. Thanks for the encouragement :B

    2. Travel is something should note down, every travel even same place but memory is different. Spa....hmm...should thanks to Grace.

    3. It is something about yourself and sincere experiences, so your blog isn't 死板 :)

  2. That is why we love you for who you really are, sincere, unpretentious and weird at times.
    Do we need to act as if we care what people thinks or perceive who we really are?
    Do we have to feel intimidated for expressing our thoughts and experiences through sincere words?

    1. Thank you uncle :) I was worried that I couldn't handle those judgement, but now I'm getting over it by writing this!

  3. Haha, was good to meet you the other night...Hopefully your epiphanies turn the light on for never know....keep well

    1. Thanks Gavin! So sweet of you to drop by and left a comment as well! Will keep it up :)


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