Amazing 2013

2013 was an incredible journey.
So much had happened, so much had changed.
I don't even know where should I start this post with.
I have been blessed, especially in terms of food.
I remember I was just telling Darren that I'd like to learn to drink wine.
And voila! Been to a few food reviews that comes with wine sampling.
A noobie like me has much to learn.
A little dancing, singing and retarding on stage. It was a breakthrough for me!
Followed dad to 2 wedding photoshoots,
apprenticeship was fun when I got to snap anything I want,
 and most of them were candids. It was indeed an unforgettable experience.
Not to forget the first translation job right when I needed the money.
Food reviews that got me really busy for the past few months and paid sponsored posts.
Silly Epiphany is finally making money! *cha ching*
I'm grateful for my family, who supports me when I need them.
Although swallowing some humble pies was required at times.
Friends who believe in me, encourage me, pour me with advice and keep me company.
side-note: Don't be sad if you don't find yourself here. It's just simply because either
we don't have any pictures together, or I looked like shit in those pictures

Of traveling,
I have made a promise to myself that
I would travel out of Malaysia at least once a year back in 2011.
Besides the almost annual trip to Singapore last July,
I thought 2013 was just gonna be a cuti-cuti Malaysia for me.
And life just showered me with this sweet 3 weeks that were too good to be true.
I was once again in my favorite dream-come-true places 2 years later.
First time touching snow, experiencing winter.
And the best was my dad being my personal photographer,
 capturing moments that are impossible to do with selfies.
How often does this come by in life?

I have learned acceptance.
Accepted the fact that there are things in life that can't be changed,
that are out of my control. I have learned to let things be.
Instead of remembering the good and leaving the bad behind,
I appreciate whatever happened because they're all part of life,
and they're the things that made life worth living.

Would like to thank each and every of you darlings for reading and following,
despite all my lameness and inconsistent updates.
2014, adventures and surprises await to be unfold.
I'm ready!


  1. Your dad really a great photographer....the photo is so great!!

    1. So can I ask him to food reviews with me since my shots are not good? :P


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