Gardens by The Bay, Singapore

Was in Singapore early July for brother's convocation,
 when everybody looks happier than the one who was graduating.
Totally forgotten about this as I was too excited to see flowers and penguins so
 all I brought was my slippers, and I was the ONLY ONE who wore slippers at the convo.
Embarrassing myself is just not enough, now I dragged my family along. Whee!
Finally visited Gardens by The Bay
Had lunch with cousin and she dropped me off before my family arrived.
Story behind this picture:
My little brother spotted me from far, ran to me and told me that he thought I was Rosmah.
Why? Not because I carry a birkin, but as per him, I am as fat as her...
I have no idea how to react anymore.
So happy to find Udders there! Dream came true no need to go to the ulu mall.
Udders ice-cream is irresistibly yummy please go try it yourself.

Our first stop:
Flower Dome
The Flower Dome replicates the cool-dry climate of Mediterranean regions like
 South Africa, California and parts of Spain and Italy.
 Home to a collection of plants from deserts all over the world,
 it showcases the adaptations of plants to arid environments.
I have been good friends with nature lately.
Breathe in, breathe out. I feel so close to you right now.
Wore this floral dress on purpose hoping to blend into the flowers.
And my hand was in the same position in all photos hahaha
Oh I so wanna try this cafe!
One thing I can't do when traveling with my parents:
 Eat/Try/Do anything fancy
But I'm grateful enough that my dad loves taking photos, all I have to do is pose.
Interactive wall, creating public awareness while playing games such as chopping trees

Next stop:
Cloud Forest
A mysterious world veiled in mist; entirely different from the Flower Dome.
A 35-metre tall mountain covered in lush vegetation shrouding the world’s tallest indoor
waterfall showcases plant life from tropical highlands up to 2,000-metres above sea level.
 It was pretty fascinating, but it's really cold when you stand near it
The place is full of these huha tiki tiki 
On Cloud Walk overlooking Marina Bay, ahhhh breathtaking.
And some Crystal Mountain and Science earth core thing that I'm not interested in.
On our way out; People cycling to sunset and pretty Singapore flyer.
I was drop dead gorgeous tired when I took this picture.
Long day ended with these trees that shine with music.
Can you paint with all the colors of the trees?


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