Ha Giang Loop

 If you're going to Hanoi, don't. Okay do go to Hanoi but hop on the bus and head straight to Ha Giang instead.
There's nothing much in Hanoi, the only thing that's worth going for is the egg coffee.
I spent two weeks in Hanoi and I think I was getting a depression.
Okay enough dishing on Hanoi,
Brace yourself for MANY mountain pictures ahead
If you haven't heard of Ha Giang, it's the province in the north of Vietnam at the border of China.
Couldn't decide to have 一路向北 or 飘向北方 in my head hehe
Randy went a month after I did, he actually crossed the border because there was no security around.
Came across this lovely place when I was researching whether to go to Sapa or not. 
Ha Giang is dubbed the alternative of Sapa, which Camilla told me that they've different terrain.
A little bit of side-track: I met Randy and Camilla in Bangkok during my visa run,
I made so many friends during my trip I'm so proud of myself ;-;
 I actually don't remember seeing rice terraces when I was in Bali a few years back so
this would be the first time of me seeing rice terraces and the pictures just don't do any justice.
Within my six weeks in Vietnam, I was the most excited about this trip and it didn't disappoint at all.
Took this picture to scare my mom lol I don't even have a license :(
Ha Giang is best discovered on bikes, take the cool breeze and beauty all in.
I was actually really scared that I would die during this trip I settled my EPF nominee before the trip 
hahaha but I'm still very much alive, thanks to my great host Tom.

  Lunch break at this cutest hut, the burning kettle was a life saver. It was getting really cold up there.
Flower power somewhere in Dong Van.
Tom visited his friend's homestay and the owner thought I was Vietnamese. 
Not offence taken at all, nobody scammed me because apparently many of them thought I'm Vietnamese until I speak.
Oh and I was just drinking tea and this kitty just hopped onto my lap. 
I'm sure he had the best time of his life, well one of his nine lives.
Also dropped by Du Gia Waterfall, it was okay. Google Bam Gioc Waterfall and have your jaw dropped.
Saw this little dude fishing with the mini spear (sorry idk what is it called), he's so good at it.
 We took a rest along the way and Tom started a fire lol
 Don't miss their paddy fields too, people are especially nice at the field.
Saw the most adorable kids here, the bb is too cute. Saw these girls at Ma Pi Leng Pass,
you can give them money after taking photos with them but that's not encouraged.
Another great thing to remember is their family dinner at the hostel. It was SO GOOD!
For 80,000dong you get so many dishes and unlimited corn wine T.T
And this is their breakfast, the pratha-like bread is good on its own.
The dinner with Tom's family was the most unforgettable one, his aunt makes the best dipping sauce.
The end of the 3-day loop with the boys. Walter (second on the right) is a tour guide based in Hanoi so hit him up
(+84 129 345 4346) if you're looking for a good, funny Spanish tour guide.
He finds it unbelievable that I'm Chinese, 28 and still not married LOL. 
 The trip from Hanoi to Ha Giang is 7 hours, I took 18 hours train from Da Nang to Hanoi so this is nothing lol.
Just go to the bus station to get a ticket (200,000dong), no booking needed.
Last but not least, the wonderful host Tom. He's young, cool, friendly and he's prompt in replying your messages.
Hit him up if you need bike rental, lodging and driver. His hostel is clean and cheap.
More information here: Tom's Homestay
It's recommended to do at least a 3-day loop.
2-day is definitely not enough, you need to factor in the return trip.

Trust me, Ha Giang is worth the time and money!


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