UBER Penang Free Rides

If you haven't heard about it yet, Uber has finally made its way to Penang!
And if you have no idea what Uber is, seriously what is wrong with you?
Okay I shall not be mean.
Photo credit: EmShack Studio
Founded in 2009, with the chio tagline of Everyone's Private Driver
Uber is the largest private driver service in the world.
It is now available in 57 countries and more than 300 cities.
So you might ask, Uber is like taxi la?
Yes, like taxi but way cooler and more convenient. Here's why.
Rider Zero: Ernest Zacharevic was the first in Penang to ride Uber on May 9 together with Dasha Logan
Photo credit: EmShack Studio
One Tap to Ride
By using the Uber mobile app, which is free to download, gone were the days
where you had to wave your hand(maybe hands) to hail a taxi by the street.
Simply enter your current location and destination, the car will be on your way, no sweat.

Reliable Pick-Ups
When you request for a ride, the map will show your driver's location,
name, photo and car number plate. You can call or message your driver
if you need to, or want to. 

Clear Pricing
There will be an estimated fare when you request for a ride so
you could decide if the fare is alright for you.

Cashless and Convenient
There won't be cash involved with Uber. Once you arrived at your destination,
the fare will be charged to your credit or debit card which you would have to
register when you launched the app. You will receive an e-mail once the transaction is done.
No need to worry about small change or not enough money in the wallet,
as long as you have money in your bank account.

 According to their survey, Uber actually charges much cheaper than normal taxis.
This is definitely a good news to me as I am awfully lazy to drive sometimes.
I mean, all of the times.
One of the best occasions to use Uber is when you can't find anybody 
to drop you at the airport when you're flying and normal taxi is usually a rip-off.
Now you don't have to trouble your friends or family and get a Uber instead!
Rider Zero: Dasha Logan was the first in Penang to ride Uber on May 9 together with Ernest Zacharevic
Photo credit: EmShack Studio
And because I love you, I am giving away
TWO FREE RIDES worth RM30/ride to all you darlings!
Enter the promo code UBERPGSILLY to enjoy your free rides.
You're welcome.
Do note that the promo code is only available in Penang only.
Photo caption: EmShack Studio
Click here to download Uber for iPhone and here for Android.
For more, visit their website


  1. Wow seems awesome!!! Got any time limit?

    1. Until further notice. Faster download and use tomorrow la :D

  2. well, i truly enjoyed the uber rides, thanks for sharing!

    (A Growing Teenager Diary Malaysia)


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