Spontaneity Strikes: I went to Rome

When in Rome,
 Do as the Romans do.
 Too bad I wasn't in Rome.
I lied, and I'm a little upset that the title doesn't rhyme.

 Looked tired on the left, the right one for remedy. I love overexposed!
 Huge thanks to Colleen who brought me there,
 I'm blessed with people who goes with my spontaneity :')
It was my second time in Malacca, didn't have any memories of the first time though.
 Something girlie and so not me in my bag; Super cute carrot from Ikea
Colleen told me that usually it'll be a massive traffic jam from KL to Malacca.
But there wasn't any when we went, lucky us!
 Titanium by Sia feat David Guetta was playing at least 3 times throughout the trip,
still love the song very much. Can't get over Sia's voice!
Arrived at this battleship in the afternoon.
Did some research before we went. And since almost all good food can be found at
Jonker Street, we decided to discover that one street only.
The sun was so strong that day, now I remember how I got this tan!
Useful advises: Apply 2 inches of sunblock all over your body and bring an umbrella
First stop at this Calanthe Art Cafe/Malaysia 13 States' Coffees, I thought we have 14 states?
I find this cafe very Love Lane-ish, get what I mean?
Talked to the guys next to us who are their regulars,
telling us that it's a bad idea to drop by here first.
Oh well...
Busy Colleen who's always on her phone

 Colleen's and mine; Look at that fluffy foam!
 Ordered this nyonya dish turned out to be so-so, not very authentic.
The fried cuttle fish strips at the back was good though!
Some cute deco at the back; Ooh I'm turning pro!!
We actually went to Chung Wah before we tried the cafe but there was a 
long queue so we thought it could wait. But when we came back, it was closed!
In the end, we tried Hoe Kee instead.
The famous and overrated chicken rice ball
They're actually chicken rice, rolled into balls.
 Yes call me a joy killer.
A stall with assorted roasted cuttlefish and these bottled drinks which are hard to find!
Didn't know Malacca is a place where we can trace back our childhood memories.
I've been looking for the bubble blowing thing for years! We sapu them all heh
Asam laksa at a kopitiam, was too tired didn't note down the name.
Yummy I would say, the soup is very different from those we could find in Penang.
No idea how to describe it but Colleen said they cook it with mushrooms!
Tried durian and mango flavored shaved ice at the same kopitiam;
It's horrible as I think gula melaka doesn't go well with the flavors.
Saw people holding this egg shaped ice, couldn't help but to get one for myself.
Mine was strawberry passionfruit; Spot so many flavors in the freezer! 
So we shall call a day, at Jonker Street.
How can you not go for their famous mille crepe when you're in Malacca?
We were lost for quite sometime, arriving there to find out that only take-away was available.
Unlucky I know but, at least I get to try the best mille crepe everyone is talking about.
Bought all 6 flavours they had that day, and it's really the best so far!
Among all chocolate mocha is my fav but not rum&raisin, tasted weird.
Anyone planning to open a franchise in Penang? Please do.
Guarantee you durian runtuh!
On a side-note: Dahkota Pahlawan has nice and really cheap clothes!
 Maybe you should quit shopping in KL but Malacca instead!
Thought it would be the end of the food hunt as I was unimaginably bloated,
but Colleen insisted to bring me to the must eat satay celup.
Found this McQuek's along Jalan Parameswara as we were driving blindly.
So basically, it's like lok lok but instead of clear/tomyam/kimchi soup,
the soup is made up of satay sauce, thick and with peanuts!
I couldn't help but to worry of the calories I'm putting in and how unhealthy it was.
Kept convincing myself it's only once in lifetime, or maybe it's never gonna happen anymore.
Pardon me will be back after I finish my gelato and flush out everything I ate.


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