Behind an alley, Behind 50

There were times me and Yong2 strolling along Muntri Street
after having dinner at either Moontree or Soul Kitchen, and this cafe caught our eyes.
It was the high bangku that's catchy, and every time when we walked by,
we said we'll sure pay it a visit, but we never did.
So one day me and Caryn couldn't decide what to have for supper,
so it was my best chance for me to suggest this place.
And only I realized it's the one Jervis told me just days ago.
All the time I didn't knew that it's the popular Behind 50...
All those nostalgics that bring back childhood memories.
Photographs of our beautiful Penang sceneries and cultures, rusty bike,
old storybooks and toys. And the cassettes,
reminds me of my dad used to record me and my brother talking and giggling,
and we would play it over and over again.
Those were the time when we had no worries, pure happiness.
Kids back then didn't rely on iPad to be entertained.
What a classic!
Caryn was like, why did they bring us storybooks instead of menus?
Look at how creative it is, menu between pages!
My beef Aglio Olio, all I could taste was pepper. Best one still goes to Nostalgic!
Wanted to try their 50 coffee but they were out of coffee beans,
so I ordered hot chocolate instead, which tasted like instant one.
Caryn's cheeseballs and awesome honey lemon milk, best natural way to cure insomnia!
Will certainly go back for the coffee, hopefully I'll have the luck.
Patriotic Ribena plushie says bye!

p/s: I know I should apply lomo, holga, vintage or cross process to the pictures, too lazy.


  1. long time didnt visit d....i saw my photo there la!!! chow siang photo is mine one lo,haha~~~

  2. Oh didn't know you're Chow Siang! :D
    how's their dripping coffee? Wanted to try but didn't get to :(

  3. I also not yet try leh, i just try the spaghetti there...

  4. Oh how come? Not a fan of coffee or they were out of stock on your visit?

  5. during that time just want to have lunch nia, now really want to have a coffee....=)

  6. Oh okay, go try the dripping coffee and let me know if it's worth a try or not :)

  7. Yeah, this is a really nice place. :-)


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