Family time, best time #2

No, this is nothing about CNY reunion. Not yet.
Me and my family usually spend our year-end holiday in KL but last year,
I suggested to visit Singapore instead, as I wanted to celebrate Christmas there so badly.
Although the flight tickets gone up really expensive when I wanted to book(due to my hesitation),
I insisted to go anyway and my parents allowed that. Guilty much but thanks! :)
At KLIA; Took the earliest flight, and dad took over 300 pictures
before we even arrived in Singapore..
 Blame on this hyper-active brother of mine
 While waiting for Javin at ION, he made fun of the F21 model. Gotta love him.
Had dinner at Javier's in one of the malls at Orchard
Order a main course for 8.90$, add on 3$ for side dishes, take as much as you want.
Great deal or what?
These two plates fed 5 of us. You could actually take more, skill is all you require.
Went on a walk along Orchard road after dinner, all those beautiful lights.
 At Gong Cha; Look at that creepy smile....
 Christmas spirit!
Lumix GF2 is awesome. Here's a picture of BTS...
Photobomb Level: Uncle
The next day at Bugis Junction
Frustrating shopping at Bugis street, left not more than 10 minutes later hah!
Pictures w/ the artsy wall to kill boredom while waiting for our parents
I wonder why hasn't Singapore sink w/ all these people.....
Parents waited for so long just to cross the road
And finally tried KOI
 What excites me was their baby pearls, so cute!
Hopped on a double-decker for the first time.
Watched Budget Barbie few weeks back and wondered where Smith Street was.
So surprised that China town is actually located there but to my disappointment,
the flea market was only seasonal or something.
In case you're wondering, KC was abandoned in Penang as he had college.
Chinatown was overall boring to me, all they have were those traditional pillow case from China LOL
Until I found TINTIN! It's like heaven in hell!
This actually cost around RM8k, which is the same amount of my second-hand Kancil
The THAM family :D We're the carpenter and we sell herbal tea hah!
Had dessert twice and we called it a day. USS the next day, which will be on the next post.
The 4th day, at 313 w/ cousins and nieces.
It's a must to dine-in Marche every time we go Singapore.
And so is their Swiss rosti w/ sour cream, so good that we ordered twice.
The two sisters hypnotising the baby, with a handkerchief.
At cousin's place; Pedo bear caught in action.
Lunch at Itachio; Yi Er insisted to be in the picture,
which made her look like an attention seeker hah!
おいしい Hokai Don, satisfaction achieved.
What a bliss... She's so cute that I could play w/ her all day.
Starbucks there is awesome!
Note to Jeslyn: See they have that thing to avoid drinks spilling out!
That pretty sums up my vacation in Singapore.
Didn't do much shopping, it's more like a food marathon, w/ family :)
This unrelated picture to end the post.
Big smile for the angpaos!


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