Weissbrau 1st Year Anniversary

Hello December!
I'm already in holiday mood, way too early hah.
My forehead just hit puberty, as it grew taller.
Okay that has nothing to do w/ this post.
Thanks Gourmet Garden for allowing me to steal this picture hah!
Was invited by Adrian from Orchan to join Weissbrau's 1st year anniversary last Friday night.
We we we so excited!(Ryan Higa's version)
Posted about the event on Facebook, hoping more people could join the celebration.
But it ended up confusing Darren who wondered if
I'm working for Weissbrau or I'm one of Mad Sally hah!
Buffet and a glass of Calsberg for everyone!
Was kind of disappointed as I was expecting to try some German delicacies.
Craig then came to our table asking us to order anything from the menu,
which put a wide smile across my face heh :)
Sitting at the same table w/ Gourmet Garden and other bloggers
Ordered these 3 dishes to share
Pork knuckle was awesome! Sausages was so-so, their mustard is the best.
Rosti was pretty horrible, all I could taste was flour instead of potatoes.
Swiss Rosti I miss you...
Mad Sally rocked Weissbrau again, another reason that got me excited :)
Don't know Mad Sally? Check it out here!
The lead singer Yew Han sitting there watching his own band, he's so hilarious!
The guitarists are always playing at the back
Too bad there wasn't any sponsored guitar for him to smash
It was a fun night talking w/ them while the band was playing and sipping some beer.
The crowd was better on the menu re-launch night and
I personally think that Mad Sally was better last time..
Doesn't matter, had fun!
W/ the band; Invited Yong2(they call her my tripod) and Caryn along.
Thanks to Jason&Gill for the high quality picture hah! :)


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