Spice Market Rasa Sayang Resort&Spa

Have I told you that, I'm unconsciously turning into a food blogger?
Here's another food review!

Spice Market
@Rasa Sayang Resort&Spa.
Always wanted to try but yea, money is my main obstacle.
Or maybe it's just an excuse. Another excuse would be I can't eat much
at once, so it's not worth to have buffet.
Last Sunday, I was lucky enough to be selected to dine in for free :)
The warm and appetizing ambience. Yes, very appetizing indeed.
Variety of bacons, hams and cheeeesseeeee!
Healthy bread to go along with those cheeeesseeeee
Sushi bar! The selection was too little and the rice was too hard though, was expecting sashimi..
Italian delight! Love this section the most :) 
The baked potatoes were beyond description, I can't even explain with words
(one of my awesome excuses for not describing, good eh?)
Big fat juicy prawns and mussels! All sorts of sauce were available too :) They have scallops too btw!
Roasted Sirloin Beef, aren't you drooling yet?
Indian delight
We specially requested for this garlic cheese naan. Awesome!
Salad and fruit juices to balance up those heavy food we just had.
Here's the main attraction, which I don't know why it isn't a fancy of mine.
And here comes the best part!
Get ready with your harps yet?(harps to play angelic music hah!)
Tempting mouthwatering sinful dessert! I'm in seventh heaven......*angelic music playing*
I told Gill that I'm gonna die when I see this, which freaked her out a little hah!
Imagine how much you have to pay if you were to order these at Delicious.
All these already worth RM80 don't you think?
If you were to count, they have 100++ varieties from East to West, pictures shown were just part of them, 
forgive me for not taking all of them as you know, I was too overwhelmed by those heavenly food!
Still hesitating? Here's a jaw-dropping news for you!
They now have BUY 1 FREE 1promotion every Sunday throughout August!
RM80 for 2 adults! Now tell me, what more excuses can you come up with?
Call to make reservation now before it's too late!
Penguin gotta go fishing, toodles!


  1. So it's not too dark for your laptop yea? :P
    Or you mean the penguin? Haha! Thanks anyway :)

  2. oi! You forgot it is RM80++ for 2.

  3. hahahah....i like the penguin eye!!!

  4. You mean I must put the ++?
    Hahahha thanks! :D

  5. All the pictures makes me drooooling like seriously!!!! Gosh!!!

  6. wow... I wana go with you ! LOL

  7. Colleen okay okay I bring you there when you're back!
    Twins, go with Yong2 lar :D

  8. I brought no one there lar hello? It was a blogger event, you can also join if you want to unconsciously turn into a food blogger like me :D


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