Paris Day 1 - Eiffel Tower

Finally finally! I spent some time(quite a long time actually)
 sitting down and come up with this post of my trip to Paris last November.
Which was, 7 months ago. Better late than never.
It was a quite spontaneous one. Purchased my flight ticket 2 weeks before,
 and booked our hotel room 2 days before we flew in. Crazy isn't it?
 Stressed out with loads and loads of last minute researches but of course,
was really excited about it. My last trip to Paris was in 2011, always wanted to go again,
but gahh not in winter! Okay I should be grateful. But I swear I will go again in summer!
Jeslyn sending me off, thankiew!
 Boarded Singapore Airlines, I love them so much I blogged about them.
Excellent food, excellent service. Not to forget hot air stewardess!
First time for this boy, he was fascinated by everything they provide. And he ordered a cocktail.
 Had wine instead of coffee, hoping it could help me sleep but that didn't happen.
Too many movies I wanted to watch!
 Super terrified with babies whenever I'm on a plane/bus, those crying and shrieking drive me nuts.
Luckily these two were behaving well. So adorable she kept playing with my dad!
Arrived at the airport at 6 in the morning after 11 hours of flight, regretted a bit that I didn't sleep.
Got our train tickets and maps, hopped on the train and almost got scammed by an old lady.
If you didn't know, scammers are everywhere in Paris.
Especially tourist attractions, even the holy Sacre Coeur.
And anybody is possible, from a helpless old man to an innocent kid.
But despite all that, Paris is still my favorite travel destination!
Love the color of this picture! No filter was added to any of the photos in this entire post.
The air and sun made everything nice! 
The train stopped out of nowhere, none of us understand the announcement in French.
Luckily there was a Vietnamese lady who speaks Mandarin explained the situation to us.
Which I can't remember what the situation was hahaha
 It was too cold to step outside, but he was too excited to play with his breath.
We waited for half an hour or so, the train started moving again.
Arrived in the city an hour later.
 Got off the train, I immediately ran up to the street without informing anyone. 
Dad was angry with my recklessness. I pointed at the Eiffel Tower, he smiled :)
 Asked several pedestrians for directions to our hotel, decided to walk instead
 taking any public transportation, without knowing how far it was.
 Checked into Yllen Eiffel Hotel, not a fancy/atas one
 but it's very clean and comfortable with speedy WIFI.
That's more than enough for us as all we need was a place to sleep, and shower.
There are two bathrooms in our room!
The location is no where near to any of the attractions but it's super convenient.
The metro station(Voltaire) is just opposite the hotel entrance.
And they have this revolving glass door that I'm paranoid of.
 Changed, put on make-up and posed by the balcony window.
As I've mentioned in the beginning that this was a spontaneous trip,
I didn't have the time to shop so all winter apparels were from my friends.
Thank you Philip and Jayne!
You will be seeing the same outfit over and over again, especially that beanie. 
I was wearing it almost all the time, it's a nice beanie.
Anyway, adventure time!
 Not sure but I think this happens to most people.
At first you're in love with the buildings, soon you would realized
they're pretty much the same and your fascination gets lesser and lesser.
Well it happened to me.
Checking out the pretty pastries in a bakery, which ended up to be our favorite makan place.
I'll get to that later.
First thing to do in Paris: Get to the Eiffel Tower
It's like going towards your goal.
You see it, you want it.
You can't tell how far exactly it is, you have no idea how much time you'll need to get to it.
But your burning desire drives you to it, and you know in the end, it will be all worth it.
And sometimes you get too excited, you just lose your mind(head).
 Random shots of us trying to look like gangsta
 Picking up giant maple leaves along the road, this looks so romantic.
 Question everything in life, why do you exist dandelion?
And after all those randomness and fun along the way, we arrived!
Weather was good. Oh sun I adore you!
 Much feeling I have for this maple leaf.
And then got all skeptical about it.
 Endless attempts to get a groupie, all we could get was the tip of it.
Jumping shot, he lost his mind(head) again.
 Blue sky I adore you too!
If you didn't know, there's always this merry-go-round not far away from the tower.
Never gotten the chance to ride on it and get a chio photo with the tower at the back.
Strolled along Seine River, sun was almost setting at 4:30pm. Damn you winter!
 Hopped on the cruise where they take you to most of the must-see attractions in Paris.
It started to get crazily cold but the vainpot insisted to freeze herself for some pretty narcissistic shots.
Oh my god the cruise brought us to New York City! Ok I lied, it's just a replica.
 By sunset, the moon was out. That was my 'the adventure is out there!' attempt.
 On the way up to Trocadero Square, some naked statues.
 The sparkling tower by night, I was starving and freezing to death.
Took the metro back to our hotel and walked to the bakery I was talking about earlier.
 It's just two blocks away from the hotel.
Tried our best to ask what is what so we don't end up eating anything funny.
We had tomato soup with baguette, plat du jour(meal of the day) and some pastries.
 Giant macaron with fresh raspberries sandwiched in between.
And it was SO GOOD.
Biggest meringue I've ever seen!
 Just in case you're wondering how does it look like inside.
Mom took a bite, and scolded me for getting this ridiculously sweet stuff that
 doesn't add any value in her life. Mom, you're in Paris. Be adventurous sikit boleh tak?
I have no idea when will Paris Day 2 post happen, but do stay tuned okay?
End the first day with a selfie. I hope you're not sick of my face, or the slouchy beanie.


  1. all the photos super nice!!!!! song lo......
    cannot imagine how long i have to save $ to get to paris :(

    1. Thankiew :3 Aiya stop going BKK so often lo :P

  2. Your photos look so nice.. stumbled upon your blog when I googled for Uncle Jang.

    1. Thanks Ginny :) For the compliment, and the hop from Uncle Jang to Paris haha


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